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    Good morning and welcome to the future 👋

    The turn of the year is a time for thought: reminiscing, taking stock, and (maybe) making resolutions! It’s also a time when we consider what new developments, discoveries, and events may be on the horizon. Our top story shares one newspaper’s predictions for the tech world.

    Today’s update is 291 words, 1.5 min

    Top Stories

    👵 The 60-year career: Experts predict that today’s five-year-olds can expect to live to 100 and work for 60 years. But how we work will be far more important than how long. This fascinating report explains how redesigning today’s accepted work model will make the prospect of a 60-year career far less daunting. The Atlantic →

    🍏 Apple Park — a rare insight: Apple’s design team operates behind closed doors, and its studio is usually accessible only to those who work there. Wallpaper was granted the very rare privilege of a peek behind the curtains at Apple Park, and has shared some of its secrets. Wallpaper →

    🎵 The song in your head: Have you ever wondered why some songs are instantly forgettable, and others turn into an (often annoying!) earworm? Certain musical characteristics or an emotional charge can be to blame. The Harvard Gazette offers a scientific explanation, and some possible (and possibly welcome!) solutions. Harvard →

    🎆 New year predictions: With 2022 just around the corner, it’s an apt time to think about what next year might bring for the tech world. No doubt there will be a host of surprises, as well as some more anticipated developments. The Guardian has compiled its own top ten predictions. The Guardian →


    ⚙️ Make it happen: We all regularly think of new things we’d like to do, but how many of them are actually realized? The reality is, very few. But why? This blog explains the critical effort that determines whether our ideas will come to fruition, and three guiding principles that will ensure they do. Blog →

    Quote of the Day

    “The future ain’t what it used to be.”

    Yogi Berra

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